Sunday, 25 April 2010

Extend open bottom planter

This is the largest planter yet. Its as large as possible using two full planks, were as id usually use one plank to build one. Its got no bottom either and no legs as when i put it in place in the field I'm going to dig the top soil away and have the planter be an extension of the earth. ill take a picture when I've done it. we didn't have a spade that wasn't broken so we had to burn the ends out of the broken ones to replace the handles.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Two seater bench

Latest project finished today. although I'm not sure whether i might sand it to improve the finish or leave it ruff and ready. Getting more and more tools as sawing the thick oak was getting very tiring so i bought a circular saw to go with a electric jigsaw, and got some more sandpaper for a sander we've got but I'm thinking about getting a more powerful one.There's a planter doing great in the background too.

Oak bench

We had a very large oak tree in our coppice plot 2008 as you don't usually take oak especially such large ones dad wondered if Steve might be interested in planking it up. Steve wasn't interested in keeping it for himself but he said he'd do it and dad could have the wood, so i took it upon myself to come up with some designs. Steve has got all the gear and a idea, so craned it out of the wood and store it in his yard, and i was lucky enough to go with him and plank it up its a awesome machine. We planked it up one and half and two inches thick and the wood is heavy. Steve also gave me an idea of what to do with it and showed me a simple bench idea.

chainsaw bench

A exciting project, mainly because it wasn't a plant box. using the design of dads old saw up saw bench and some of the surviving parts. i had to go to a hardware shop to get a few more nuts and bolts because the old ones were rusted or saw. I was so happy with finishing it but my pride has been knocked as repairs have had to be made because it was broken, apparently by the cows but more likely because of one two many miss place chops

My First order

News of the fantastic planters spread like wild fire, and i received my first order. Granny's planters had seen better days and when offered the contract i jumped at the chance. However these where to surround plastic one so i had measurements to adhere to. Imagine my relief when they squeezed (with a bit of a push ) into my boxes. This is a picture of the latest planter for my dad though as unbelievably i don't have any picture of the ones i took to Devon. Shocking, i think a road trip is in order. Except they are back from Devon now still intact

Another planter

i always like to take pictures of them when there finished. i think its because it takes a certain amount of time and effort so its nice to appreciate it. I could make as many as possible with the left over wood until its all gone.
Sizes depended on the size of the wood in the first place, as i generally saw it in half using one plank for one box,

some strawberries in the first box.

Picture frames.

It all seemed so easy. What could be easier its basically a plant box but smaller. To be honest the designs were easy to come up with but then making then were tricky. i think its due to inexperience or whether its because their smaller you need better technique, I'm still happy with them one is mine ones my mums, and i definitely want to do more now as i think i could do better

Shallow planter

Once i got a bit of a system going i the inportant bits of not ruining the wood at crucial areas and finding good wood for the bases and legs, it started getting easyier. Although there are always problems, always

Theres some leftover wood.

Thanks to Steve theres some left over wood from a new fence, and Dad with the ideas of plant boxes i got cracking, or screwing

Chicken run

And while your at u can fix that too. So with the run finnished i gave a tired run for chicks a revamp and lick of paint

Woodwomer Begins

It seems an eternity ago when i started to saw, hammer, screw, nail, staple and basically will a chicken run together. And basically it was/ is awful but is still standing! All be it on a slant however its an achievement and i was glad to finish it. So now i have got the wood bug and wanted to put up my rustic wood work to show u.

i couldn't find a picture so had to go and take one, and ill have to get a better one another day