Saturday, 10 July 2010


I should have taken a pic of the barrier of pallets i had in place of these planks before but i didn't have the for sight. Its wobbly on purpose to deter any animal invaders coming over to frighten the chickens. i might strengthen it with a middle post and add another plank if it doesn't prevent any trespassers

Small table

This was a much quicker project finished in a few hours, mainly due to the legs being a off cut from a table my mum wanted made smaller. The table is destined for my aunties tree house for her grandsons. She hasn't accepted it yet though so i might have to call it a bonsai stand but i was really happy with it. It looks like a miniature pub table, the top planks are off a old gate and pretty weathered. I would put some wood stain on it but my auntie is hopefully going to take it today.

Oak table

Its finished! Well i was thinking of trying to make it look finished but the rustic look always seems to become the sensible option. Its taken what feels like 3-4 months and probably was. But i blame unforeseen distractions like holidays and other more important jobs. I followed the instructions in the book a bit more so had less tweaking to do once all the parts had be made, but that is what took the majority of time. I used about 2/3 of one large plank cutting lengths of wood with my circular saw and have left a half moon shape off cut i was thinking of making a CD/DVD rack with. Once i was happy it wasn't falling over i had to clear out the garage of all of my tools and of cuts as it was looking like a beaver dam or something.