Sunday, 20 November 2011

Pine draw

After putting this project off for a long time a weeks holiday from work to get other things sorted meant i could eventually get round to starting it, and was pleased to finish it before the week was out. This is my first attempt at dovetail joints so i didn't know how long it would take. To be honest I'm not very happy with the joints as they are messy and poor fitting, but they hold firm with glue and the hardboard base keeps everything sturdy. The draw is for an existing table with no draw and i had to take some screws out of the hole where the draw goes as they were sticking out so i hope the table doesn't fall down. To get the draw to fit i had to do a bit of sanding which made the dovetails look a lot better, i used some skate wax to help it slide as was suggested, but your supposed to use beeswax. Some yacht lack er finished it off. Have been forgetting to put completed jobs on woodwormer and need a new project as the chicken house will have to wait till after winter.

Wine rack extension.

After ordering a wine box from a promotion I had too much wine for the old rack, so I set to work on the extension. I didn't get off to a good start as I couldn't find a piece I didn't use on the first one and as I wanted to use the same wood i ended up using different wood. The whole design is different and it doesn't fit the other one so I shall need to build another section that fits them both together and as I found the left over piece when nearing completion I can use that.

Notice board

When using the ceder to make plant boxes I'm often left with nice thin off cuts which can be useful to make frames. I was lazy with this one and have not made a frame but just used glue and plane pins the attach the wood to the hard board. The hard board is a bit difficult to put pins into and i think it would be easier if it was the other way round, they go in with a bit of extra force.