Sunday, 20 November 2011

Pine draw

After putting this project off for a long time a weeks holiday from work to get other things sorted meant i could eventually get round to starting it, and was pleased to finish it before the week was out. This is my first attempt at dovetail joints so i didn't know how long it would take. To be honest I'm not very happy with the joints as they are messy and poor fitting, but they hold firm with glue and the hardboard base keeps everything sturdy. The draw is for an existing table with no draw and i had to take some screws out of the hole where the draw goes as they were sticking out so i hope the table doesn't fall down. To get the draw to fit i had to do a bit of sanding which made the dovetails look a lot better, i used some skate wax to help it slide as was suggested, but your supposed to use beeswax. Some yacht lack er finished it off. Have been forgetting to put completed jobs on woodwormer and need a new project as the chicken house will have to wait till after winter.

Wine rack extension.

After ordering a wine box from a promotion I had too much wine for the old rack, so I set to work on the extension. I didn't get off to a good start as I couldn't find a piece I didn't use on the first one and as I wanted to use the same wood i ended up using different wood. The whole design is different and it doesn't fit the other one so I shall need to build another section that fits them both together and as I found the left over piece when nearing completion I can use that.

Notice board

When using the ceder to make plant boxes I'm often left with nice thin off cuts which can be useful to make frames. I was lazy with this one and have not made a frame but just used glue and plane pins the attach the wood to the hard board. The hard board is a bit difficult to put pins into and i think it would be easier if it was the other way round, they go in with a bit of extra force.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Drying Table

Now that the onions are coming out of the ground if they are dried before strung up they will keep for longer. A place to dry them out of reach of the chickens was needed and therefore a table with chicken wire as the top was ordered. I used the same method of mortise joints for the frame, when building the big oak table but didn't feel the need for a middle support, as i don't think there will be a vast amount of weight on it. Its difficult to see anything getting dry at the moment which is also a good excuse for not getting on with other jobs such as another shelf, chicken house restore and a draw for pine table. The drying table isn't totally fixed but I'm hoping it will stiffen up with time out in the elements. The chicken wire helps hold the shape being fixed with a staple gun which i hope holds as I have had staples fall out after time with previous projects

Drying Table

Monday, 25 April 2011

wine rack

i started trying to to make this wine rack a long time ago but broke my electric jigsaw in the process. i ordered a new one but when it came the plug was industrial, so half of it sat until i could sort out the power issue. turned out i needed a 110 volt transformer which i got and it works great. it was tricky because it was half done and i wasn't sure id been successful as i glued it and wrapped it in sellotape. For now its stuck and i put a couple of bottles on it, i think I'm going to drink the red now though. its small at the moment but the plan is to add more layers to it as my wine stock increases.

Chain saw bench 2

after a long winter having nicks taken off it the old bench came in for much needed repairs. it did need running repairs over the winter which the cows get blamed for causing but i put it down to inaccurate chopping. it is nice to do a renovation job as your not starting from scratch and can make improvements to the old design. as some of it was still standing i could use its dimensions to get the replacement parts together. it went well and only took two days but is a bit wonky and there is a slight wiggle which might suggest it wont last long but hopefully a bit better than last year.

It's back again!!!! I was decommissioned earlier in the year being told it was a easy job 'only a few nails' but when the full task became apparent I reluctantly agreed. But secretly I was stoked about getting old bettsy back into action. Also came up with new cross supports to try and prevent the support being chopped. Before and after photos tell the story.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

shallow planter

Another shallow planter made to order. One of the side logs is an old piece of chain saw bench which i tried to focus the picture on. i also did a bit of machete work on the centre log to fit it snugly, no nails, which i enjoyed far too much and will have to repeat but it makes a lot of mess. There is also a impressive set up of a grow bag on a previous table supported by bricks which even I'm surprised is standing!! Leonardo Kahuna Burrows is a good dog and therefore deserves to be in the picture. The planter had to be removed from the front of the house to the back, which is a blatant lack of a appreciation of garden features.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Oak Shelf

I had to wait until management went away on holiday until i could put the shelf on the wall as it wasn't given the okay, but now its up its staying. There have been obvious improvements pointed out but that goes without saying. I used the table saw to cut through the oak plank, which was easier than the hand held circular saw, when i used it the right way round, so due to poor workmanship it has left some marks on the top as a reminder. I did sand it a bit but my sander came in a big help when i needed a dowel pin to fix a draw handle. I've been to the wood supplies in Wickwar, but its country supplies and they would have to order a large amount of pine so ill have to go further a field.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Picture frame

I made this oak frame from cuts from making the table. It's been assembled for some time but I needed some hard board for the back. It was made to fit the picture which was a present. There is a slight issue with the level of it when up, but I should be able to adjust the position of the hole or use two nails and some string. For now it rests nicely on the next picture