Sunday, 10 April 2011

shallow planter

Another shallow planter made to order. One of the side logs is an old piece of chain saw bench which i tried to focus the picture on. i also did a bit of machete work on the centre log to fit it snugly, no nails, which i enjoyed far too much and will have to repeat but it makes a lot of mess. There is also a impressive set up of a grow bag on a previous table supported by bricks which even I'm surprised is standing!! Leonardo Kahuna Burrows is a good dog and therefore deserves to be in the picture. The planter had to be removed from the front of the house to the back, which is a blatant lack of a appreciation of garden features.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fantastic photo, realy good. It is rare to see such a good photo these days, very rare. I could rave about how good this photo is forever. At first sight i thought the dog was a cow, he seams to have that shape, and the planter looks like a feeder. There is something very marvelous about the way it is framed with just his head in the frame. Oh, this makes me so happy
    the whole thing
    now that i have stopped being such a fool you must come and see me.
    there is no hope,
    no hope for us all!
