after a long winter having nicks taken off it the old bench came in for much needed repairs. it did need running repairs over the winter which the cows get blamed for causing but i put it down to inaccurate chopping. it is nice to do a renovation job as your not starting from scratch and can make improvements to the old design. as some of it was still standing i could use its dimensions to get the replacement parts together. it went well and only took two days but is a bit wonky and there is a slight wiggle which might suggest it wont last long but hopefully a bit better than last year.
It's back again!!!! I was decommissioned earlier in the year being told it was a easy job 'only a few nails' but when the full task became apparent I reluctantly agreed. But secretly I was stoked about getting old bettsy back into action. Also came up with new cross supports to try and prevent the support being chopped. Before and after photos tell the story.
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